

Jim Buoy
Buoys, Channel Markers, Barrier Floats:
Jim Buoy
is the manufacturer of a wide range of marine and pool safety products. We have a
sampling of their product range listed below.
We are are also happy to supply you with any of the products in the full
Jim Buoy Catalog.

Jim Buoy
Barrier Systems, Rope Floats and Buoys
Rugged construction – combines a leak-proof, tough outer shell with solid
foam – filled inner floatation that is practically indestructible.
Brilliant choice of colors – ultra violet inhibited colors are compounded
into the outer shell for longest life.

Jim Buoy
Boom Buoys
Excellent visibility. Full 10 ft. long x 10” diameter buoys feature rock hard outer shell with 100% foam-fill for maximum buoyancy. Thru-tube opening allowance for up to ¾” line or cable.
Bright orange foam pads furnished between buoy ends help prevent finger injury.

Jim Buoy
Mooring System and Buoys
The Jim Buoy
Premium Mark V utilizes one of the toughest plastics available today…CJ-37.
This plastic provides an outer shell of 1/8” thickness. The core is 3 lbs. high density
polyurethane foam.
All eye bolts are permanently bonded inside the buoy during the molding cycle.

Jim Buoy
No. 9000 Light
The Jim Buoy
No. 9000 Light is a handy, long lasting lighting system that is totally waterproof and visible for up to 1 mile. It requires little or no maintenance under normal use and its rugged plastic
construction is impervious to the most sever weather conditions and salt water corrosion.

Jim Buoy
No. 9000-X, No. 9000-XSB Light
The No. 9000-X series light has three times the visibility distance as the No. 9000 light. The No. 9000-X light flashes 30 times per minute and lasts up to one year without a battery change.
The 9000-XSB maintains a steady burn for up to 1 ½ months of continuous battery use.

Jim Buoy
Regulatory Buoys, Channel Markers, and Vinyl Daymarks
Many sizes and styles available

Jim Buoy
Sombrero Buoys
Huge Flotation Base – 12” high x 30” diameter size assures upright floatation
under severe conditions. 2” Wide Aluminum Band (optional) – Protects base of
buoy from jet-skis and boat crashes. CJ-37 Rock Hard Outer Shell – Resists the
hardest blows – almost indestructible System #10 Vinyl Daymarks – Available in a
multitude of shapes.

